Last weekend, I attended this year’s TAIL OF THE DRAGON Rennsport Porsche Fall Rally 2023 with my son Marvin and friends. A private business organizes the Rennsport Dragon Rally for a collection of Porsche enthusiasts from around North America who come together for a three-day weekend to drive the Tail of the Dragon and mountain roads in the Smokey Mountains. Rennsport Dragon Rally is not an official Porsche-sponsored event. Nevertheless, it is considered the Super Bowl of Porsche Driving Events. About three hundred Porsches showed up for this event. The highlight of the approximately 250-mile daily rallies is the “Tail of Dragon” – a public road of 11 miles with 318 curves.

The Hagerty Market Rating is a monthly assessment of the trajectory of the collector car market. To learn more about how the Market Rating value is reached, click here.
The Hagerty Market Rating continues its slide for the eighth consecutive month—now down 11.8 points from its high a year and a half ago. While the Market Rating’s current score of 66.42 is still within the “expanding market” range, the continued free fall will likely move it into the “flat market” range sometime next year.

December 23, 2021
A Japanese car will sell for $2 million + 4 more predictions for 2022
by John Wiley
The past two years have been tough on folks who forecast for a living. Even if we’d predicted that a fast-mutating virus would infect hundreds of millions of people, we’d be hard-pressed to foresee the ways it would impact everything from supply chains and government policy to personal spending habits.
Nevertheless, I’m here to stick my neck out once again and predict what 2022 has in store for the classic car market – and for those keeping score at home, I’ve also revisited my 2021 predictions.

Considering that 2021 began with bidders’ faces pressed against computer screens, it was a strong year for auctions of high-end collector cars. Each of the top 10 sales was at least $6 million, and the top two reached eight figures. In contrast, only three of last year’s top ten exceeded $6 million. The big reason for the resurgence, of course, is Monterey. Six of the top 10 sales occurred during Car Week in August, reaffirming the event’s importance to the top-tier of car collectors.

What’s that classic car worth? Hagerty Insider and the Hagerty Price Guide largely exist to answer that simple question. And we hope you’ll agree we bring quite a bit of data, energy, and sheer old-car knowledge to the task. Yet it is worth remembering that the truest answer to the question is, “A classic car is worth precisely as much as someone is willing to pay for it.”

December 9, 2021
Fatal Attraction
Three British beauties that are cheap to buy, expensive to own
by Andrew Newton
It always looks so tempting in the classifieds. A high-end classic you could only dream of buying when new, now for sale for used VW Jetta money.
Of course, it isn’t that simple, is it? If buying a high-end, sporty status symbol for family sedan money sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is. Some cars are cheap to buy because they’re so darn expensive to own and maintain. That’s especially the case when the car in question is — what’s a nice way to say this? — from a lovely island off the coast of Normandy.
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